The ways to use honey are almost limitless, but the list will get you started.
1. DIY Honey Mask
to its ability to unclog pores while moisturizing the skin, raw honey
is ideal for making a face mask. Lightly dampen your skin and spread one
teaspoon of honey in circular motions over it until your face feels
unevenly covered. Let it set for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off
with lukewarm water.
2. Honey Spot Treatment
you’re sick of suffering from breakouts, honey can work as a stellar
spot treatment to reduce the evidence of acne. Honey’s natural enzymes
can help clarify your skin and keep your pores clear, and its antibiotic
properties will prevent bacteria from building up and triggering
You can swab a dab of honey on the pimple with a Q-tip,
keeping it on as long as is comfortable (all night is best). For an
extra boost of cleansing, you can also mix the honey with
tea tree oil or
lavender oil.
3. Heal Burns and Wounds
you accidentally burn your skin on the stove, healing relief is only as
far away as your pantry. When honey is applied to skin right away, it
can prevent the formation of free radicals and
reduce your risk of scarring. If you get burned, put your hand under cold water for several minutes before applying honey to the burn.
Honey’s natural antimicrobial properties also make it ideal for
dressing surface wounds because it makes the injury sterile and increases its rate of healing. For the best benefits, consider using
Manuka honey, as it has additional anti-septic properties due to its
methylglyoxal content.
For a homemade
antiseptic cream with an extra kick, consider mixing honey with
neem oil or
tea tree oil to boost the benefits.
4. Treat Fungal Infections
Suffering from chronic ringworm?
Manuka honey might help. Dab raw honey on the ringworm twice a day, and the infection will soon clear up.
5. Treat Chapped Lips
honey is the perfect treatment for dry lips, so long as you can trust
yourself not to lick it off! Simply dab some honey onto your lips before
heading to bed, and it will absorb into your skin as you sleep.
6. Dry Skin Treatment
Put an end to the suffering of your woefully dry skin by treating it with a blend of honey and
unsweetened, unflavored yogurt.
Mix one tablespoon of each together and spread it onto your face and
other patches of dry skin. After fifteen minutes, you can rinse it off.
7. Cuticle Treatment
honey is precisely what ravaged nail beds need to heal, thanks to its
natural humectant properties. Mix one teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon
each of
apple cider vinegar and
coconut oil. Rub the blend over each cuticle and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.
8. Makeup Remover
honey might not be capable of completely removing your delicate eye
makeup, the compound still makes a high-quality cleanser for the rest of
your face. You can create an easily spreadable solvent by blending
honey with
coconut oil
and incorporating in any spices or essential oils to add to the
indulgence. Gently massage the mix into your face, and heavy makeup will
start to dissolve.
9. DIY Exfoliator
exfoliation will do your skin a world of good, and honey is the perfect
ingredient for making your own gentle scrub. You can make a homemade
blend by mixing two parts honey with one part
baking soda,
and producing a skin treatment that offers gentle exfoliation by
sloughing off dead skin cells while still soothing and smoothing your
10. Hair Conditioner
Honey’s ample
enzymes and nutrients make it ideal for nurturing your hair back to
health after some rough treatment. Make a homemade honey conditioner by
mixing one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of
coconut oil,
and apply the blend thoroughly to the bottom third of your hair,
letting it set for at least fifteen minutes before rinsing it out.
11. Natural Wrinkle Treatment
honey is a natural humectant, it will work to moisturize the top layers
of your skin and add needed hydration to improve the appearance of
And, thanks to its ample antioxidants, honey can also delay the aging
process for your skin cells. To enhance the benefits further, consider
making a facial treatment by mixing one tablespoon of honey with a
blended banana or papaya.
12. Hydrating Shampoo
life puts a lot of wear on your hair, but you can help bring it back to
health by mixing a dab of honey into your standard shampoo, make the
switch to
natural shampoos
to give your hair an even better chance of ultimate health. This subtle
treatment will add a boost of moisture that can also work to strengthen
each follicle.
13. Hydrating Honey Bath
winter skin is a pain to deal with, but incorporating honey into your
bath can soothe and hydrate it. Add two cups of honey to the hot water
and soak for at least fifteen minutes before adding a cup of
baking soda to help rid your skin of dead cells.
14. Natural Highlighting
to lighten your hue without damaging your hair? Honey contains an
enzyme called glucose oxidase that slowly releases hydrogen peroxide to
give you natural-looking highlights. Just mix three tablespoons of honey
into two tablespoons of water and apply directly to clean, damp hair.
You can rinse the mixture out after it sets for an hour. For best
results, use this treatment weekly.
15. Sunburn Treatment
exposure is one of the fastest ways to dry out your skin, but a honey
treatment can restore lost moisture and soothe your outer skin layers-
especially when blended with
aloe vera gel.
You can make a natural treatment for sunburns by mixing one part raw
honey with two parts aloe vera gel and applying it where needed.
16. Fade Scars
is a subtle way to lighten skin, making it ideal for fading the
evidence of scars. Its natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory
properties also work to promote healing and tissue regeneration. Mix one
teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of
olive oil,
and gently massage the blend into the scar tissue. The massaging motion
is essential, as it will improve circulation and improve blood flow to
the damaged tissue.
17. Remove Warts
as it sounds, Manuka honey has the potential for removing warts when
used regularly. Apply a thick layer of honey to the wart and keep it in
place for at least 24 hours. Repeat this treatment daily until the
wart begins to disappear.
18. Clears Up Dandruff
up your flaky scalp for good by mixing raw honey with water and
massaging the mixture into your scalp, letting it sit for at least three
hours before rinsing it out. For best results, perform this treatment
19. Resolve Rosacea
The skin condition rosacea often leads to
enlarged skin pores
that become inflamed and sore, leading to disfigurement around the nose
and cheeks. While the condition is incurable, you can use Manuka honey
to cleanse your pores and reduce their size, thanks to its natural
anti-inflammatory properties. This product is potent, so be sure to
experiment with small amounts first before putting it on sensitive skin.
20. Prevent Frizz and Split Ends
honey has hygroscopic properties that benefit hair by drawing in water
and locking it into the shaft, reducing the appearance of frizz and
split ends. Adding even a teaspoon of honey to your conditioner will
ensure your hair behaves better throughout the day.
21. Reduce Hair Loss
hair often has many causes. A vitamin deficiency, dry scalp, or even
chronic dandruff can all be to blame- and a honey treatment can
counteract each of these conditions. Apply honey directly to your scalp
through a massage, and you’ll infuse it with high mineral content,
B-complex vitamins, and plenty of amino acids that can help prevent hair
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